Communicating Legacy Information – Legacy Performance Analysis – L008

Communicating Legacy Information – Legacy Performance Analysis – L008


Providing informative and useful legacy marketing communications to your supporters will play a crucial role in whether they leave you a gift in their will. A lack on legacy information would create a barrier to legacy giving in a variety of ways.

The findings in this report outline how supporters of top charities feel about the information they are receiving regarding legacies.  The findings have implications for the frequency and relevancy of legacy marketing for charities who score low on this metric.

We regularly help charities with bespoke legacy research insights and would be happy to help with our legacy fundraising strategy in any way we can. To learn more about the Unique Competitor Set (UCS) , the Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19 and other fundraising and legacy research we can help you with please don’t hesitate to get in touch with David Cole, Managing Director at fastmap on or +44 020 72420702.

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