We all know how important need is. If your charity is perceived as wealthy or if potential supporters don’t understand why you need their donations they simply won’t give. And of course, legacies are no different. In fact, arguably for legacies it’s even more important than individual giving.
In our legacy research, we have looked at 14 different charities from the Legacy Premier League 2018 / 2019 and identified which are most likely to be perceived as in need of a legacy gift. This legacy research highlights that the need of a gift from wills significantly differs at a brand level. Future investigations from these brands might be needed to understand why they are perceived as less (or more) in need of a gift compared to others.
We regularly help charities with bespoke legacy research insights and would be happy to help with our legacy fundraising strategy in any way we can. To learn more about the Unique Competitor Set (UCS) , the Legacy Potential Premier League Table 2018/19 and other fundraising and legacy research we can help you with please don’t hesitate to get in touch with David Cole, Managing Director at fastmap on david.cole@fastmap.com or +44 020 72420702.